Blog, Weekly Picks

Weekly Picks: 3 Favorite Picture Books of the Week

Hello, readers! Welcome to the second installment of my Weekly Picks series! I have 3 picture books to share with you all today. They are 3 books that are all very different from each other, but equally special in their own ways. Flat Cat Written by Tara Lazar, Illustrated by Pete Oswald Flat Cat was […]


10 of the Best Picture Books to Read Outside

Hello, readers! Welcome to another blog post! As April showers are clearing, and the May flowers are getting ready to bloom, I felt it appropriate to put together a list of books that are great to be read outside. Some of the books on this list have a nature theme, others have fun outdoor activities

Blog, Weekly Picks

Bookish Bunny’s Weekly Picks: Week 1! Favorite Five

Hello readers! I hope this week has treated you well. This is my first real blog post, and the first post in a series I like to call “Weekly Picks”! As a librarian in a public library, I am always looking through new picture books, so I’m bound to have my favorites.  Rather than keeping


Hello Readers!

Welcome to Bookish Bunny Blog! This is my very first post on my very first blog! I hope you all enjoy the many book recommendations that are to come, and stay tuned as I figure things out and make this a beautiful site!

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